Welcome My Little Monsters!

This blog allows you to follow me as I learn new tricks here and there...you can watch as I dive into EPIC failures that you are bound to laugh at (like the time I set my oven on fire...ya...I'm AWESOME) and I'm putting it aaalllll on here...so you can follow me and decide for yourself whether or not to come to me or to go to them...even if you just visit my blog for fun and laughs...that's cool...I'll enjoy the company!

Monday, September 27, 2010

T Minus 5

FIVE orders this week!!! EEEK!!! It's going to be insane! AND SO MUCH FUN!!! I have another baby shower cake..and I'm STOKED for it...another Dora cake, PLAYBOY, another princess cake, and TOY STORY!!!! So, the funny thing is, yes, I've done a few of them in the past...but I'm not duplicating ANY of my past cakes...they are ALL new, and they are ALL going to be wicked! I'm so excited to make ALL of them but I'd be lying to you if I said the playboy cake wasn't my favorite....SO MUCH EXCITEMENT!!!!

Now, for the Dora cake...it's nothing like the other one I had made...it's made on a bed of cupcakes...and it's going to have lots of fun little accessories to go with it...including 3 toys for the birthday girl!

With so many cakes due in such a short amount of time, I decided not to waste any time and to make the things that can be done well in advance...the following is a bunch of little bugs that will accompany Dora and her friends on a bed of flowers scattered throughout the scene...they're so teeny! I had to take pictures of them with a dime next to them so you can see just how tiny my little bugs are....

These are my ladybugs and beetles

Itty bitty bumble bees

My teeny weeny butterflies....
And all of these, I've created by hand from modelling chocolate...

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